Looking to the South over the Circle.
The Stone Circle - ‘The Dancers’ or ‘Kiss in the Ring’ is on Bledge Hill , 15.8 m. in diameter and surrounds
a low barrow mound, there are about 21 stones .
It is the Southern end of 'Stall Moor Stone Row' , formed from mainly small stones measuring up to 0.8m high ,
the longest stone row to be found on Dartmoor , about 3.3km in length.
The Dartmoor Stone Rows / Alignments mostly date from the Late Neolithic period (c.2400-2000 BC).
Location - as Stall Down Row
Route - As Stall Down . When 'Cornwood Maidens' is reached - continue to the North for another 2km.
The Circle can be seen in the distance . A small Brook - Bledge Brook - has to be crossed .
Ref: 7032a
Date: 16/04/2019
Location: SX 6351 6445