The monument was created in 1928 to celebrate the rejection by Parliament
of the proposed new Common Book of Prayer - commissioned by the Lord of Buckland Manor.
Made up of two tablets of natural granite, the monument displays 4 commandments on one stone
and the dates of the readings of the bill in Parliament , Dec. 15th 1927 – June 14th 1928, together
with the words of a favourite quotation of the Lord of Buckland Manor - Mr Whitley .
6 commandments on the other stone together with “John, Chapter 13 Verse 34,”
and the third verse of the Hymn, ‘Oh God Our Help in Ages Past’.
The letters were recut and painted - June 2017
Car Park - Cold East Cross - off the B3387 west of Haytor.
A high level track leads to the Beacon - 1+ Km to the south.
Ref: 7865
Date: 15/01/2020
Location: SX 7369 7304