An exposure of reddish Serpentinite at Kynance Cove
Serpentinite is formed by the process of hydrothermal alteration by percolating seawater in the Oceanic
upper mantle rock Peridotite.
The process of serpentinisation , the breaking down of the magnesium - rich silicate ferromagnesian minerals - pyroxene and olivine - produces clay minerals such as Lizardite, Chrysotile (White Asbestos) ,
Antigorite ,..... and hydrous minerals Tremolite , Magnetite , Chlorite , Talc....
Lizard Serpentinites consist of Lizardite and Chrysotile.
There is usually no Antigorite.
Lizardite is named after its discovery at Kynance Cove on The Lizard.
Serpentine is named due to the veined and mottled appearance of the rock resembling snake or lizard skin.
Location - Kynance Cove is on the west side of the Lizard Penninsula in Gallery 22
Ref: 339
Date: 06/10/2014
Location: SW 6840 1332