A exposure of green Serpentinite at Kynance Cove.
Two types of Serpentinite , Tremolite and Bastite are present at Kynance Cove.
The Tremolite Serpentinite is fine grained and banded.
The Bastite Serpentinite is coarse-grained with a distinct metallic lustre ,
the large shiny crystals of Bastite give a flecked appearance.
Serpentinite is largely made of Serpentine Clay Minerals - generally occuring in three polymorphs:
Chrysotile, Antigorite and Lizardite - typically Mg3Si2O5(OH)4.
Serpentinites are frequently criss-crossed by veins filled with fibrous serpentine (Chrysotile / Talc )
Location - Kynance Cove is on the west side of the Lizard Penninsula in Gallery 22
Ref: 1497
Date: 23/05/2015
Location: SW 6846.1335