Cross Bedding - Sidmouth (S40)
Cross Bedding - Sidmouth (S40)

Current or Cross - Bedding in the Otter Sandstone at Sidmouth Jacobs Ladder Promontory.
Formed by banks of sand slopping in different directions after deposition (Alluvial) by rivers changing course.

Ref: 8867

Date: 26/05/2021

Location: SY 1214 8695

Cross Bedding - Sidmouth (S40)

Current or Cross - Bedding in the Otter Sandstone at Sidmouth Jacobs Ladder Promontory.
Formed by banks of sand slopping in different directions after deposition (Alluvial) by rivers changing course.

Ref: 8867

Date: 26/05/2021

Location: SY 1214 8695