The impressive side Pasage runs off the entrance passage for 28m towards a short creep passage of reduced height.
The corbelled walls , up to 2m high , are capped with heavy stone slabs.
Fogous, from the Cornish word ‘ogo’ meaning cave, are found only in the far west of Cornwall.
Their original function is unclear.
They may have been places for storage, or for refuge, or as the setting for religious or ritual activities.
Location - West Cornwall - Lizard Penninsula.
As the previuos photo.
The estate road continues toTrelowarren.
www.trelowarren.com , gives details and opening times of the facilities ( Bar , Restuarant , Spa ... ) at Trelowarren.
Ref: 5702
Date: 09/05/2018
Location: SW 7133 2394