Folds - Porthleven Cliffs (S22)
Folds - Porthleven Cliffs (S22)

The thin veins in the Mylor Slates of the Porthleven Cliffs show extensive folding.
The slates are mainly fine grained sedimentary rocks ( turbidites) formed from different coloured sediments
that have undergone folding and intense deformation during the Variscan Orogeny ,
and subjected to low grade regional metamorphism.
Access to the beach , on a low tide, from Porthleven or Loe Bar.

Ref: 5624

Date: 14/04/2018

Location: SW 6317 2524

Folds - Porthleven Cliffs (S22)

The thin veins in the Mylor Slates of the Porthleven Cliffs show extensive folding.
The slates are mainly fine grained sedimentary rocks ( turbidites) formed from different coloured sediments
that have undergone folding and intense deformation during the Variscan Orogeny ,
and subjected to low grade regional metamorphism.
Access to the beach , on a low tide, from Porthleven or Loe Bar.

Ref: 5624

Date: 14/04/2018

Location: SW 6317 2524