Ballowall Barrow is one of the largest and most complex of the prehistoric funerary monuments in West Penwith .
A magnificent example of a chambered cairn.
11 metres diameter and three metres high.
Built in phases from the Neolithic Period (approx. 3500 BC) and the Middle Bronze Age.
A large central dome (now unroofed), side cist chambers and a small entrance grave on the west side .
It is likely that they were built by local communities to provide striking shrines or tombs for the dead.
The Barrow was once buried under mine waste.
Location - West Cornwall - Lands End Penninsula / West Penwith
Near The Coast Path after passing Cape Cornwall and Carn Gloose in Section / Gallery 12
Ref: 554
Date: 20/11/2014
Location: SW 3553.3125