From this angle, looking North East , the stone has a completly different appearence.
The Standing Stone is one of only 3 examples of a true Menhir - an isolated stone not connected to other monuments,
and in unlikely settings for boundary or marker stones - others are Hanging Stone on Lee Moor (SX 583 636 )
and Harbourne Head (SX 696 650)
Route : from the parking area ,(path northish across the slope is rough and boggy ) continue up the road and then east ,
scramble down to the footbridge , cross , boggy area here , track up to
Beardown Tors , track to the north and Lydford Tor , stile over the long massive wall
north over rough boggy moorland to Devil's Tor (animal tracks help) and the Menhir.
Ref: 7089
Date: 21/04/2019
Location: SX 5960 7963