Parson Tunnel (374 yards long ) cuts through Hole head , the first of 5 tunnels in this area , a concrete shelter
of 136 yds long has been added to protect the line from rockfalls.
The Head of Permian Age rock is formed from alternating beds of Thin Sandstone and Teignmouth Breccia.
The Teignmouth Breccia is characterised by fragments of quartzite, porphyry, hornfels and a flesh-pink feldspar.
Rock armour of largely Dartmoor granite protects the Seawall .
The Smugglers Lane Viaduct allows the Coast Path to pass under the Rail Line here.
The path can be impassable at High Tide .
Ref: 6805
Date: 27/01/2019
Location: SX 9565 7462