Aplite / Pegmatite - Praa Sands (S21)
Aplite / Pegmatite - Praa Sands (S21)

South Westerly dipping sheets of Aplite and Pegmatites can be seen at the Eastern end of Praa Sands
below Lesceave Cliffs.
Formed on the Margin of the Tregonning / Godolphin Granite Intrusion.
Aplite has very fine grains with the mineral composition of granite. Pegmatite has very large crystals .
Location - Praa Sands is between St Michael's Mount and Porthleven in Gallery 21

Ref: 4608

Date: 01/04/2017

Location: SW 5857 2749

Aplite / Pegmatite - Praa Sands (S21)

South Westerly dipping sheets of Aplite and Pegmatites can be seen at the Eastern end of Praa Sands
below Lesceave Cliffs.
Formed on the Margin of the Tregonning / Godolphin Granite Intrusion.
Aplite has very fine grains with the mineral composition of granite. Pegmatite has very large crystals .
Location - Praa Sands is between St Michael's Mount and Porthleven in Gallery 21

Ref: 4608

Date: 01/04/2017

Location: SW 5857 2749