Rinsey Cove
Rinsey Cove

View from Granite Cliffs over the beach at Rinsey Cove / Porthcew ,
with the Wheal Prosper engine - house above.
The wave cut platform is formed from Country Rock metamorphosed by heat from the surrounding
'Tregonning Godolphin' Granite Intrusion.

Ref: 4451

Date: 30/12/2016

Location: SW 5916 2695

Rinsey Cove

View from Granite Cliffs over the beach at Rinsey Cove / Porthcew ,
with the Wheal Prosper engine - house above.
The wave cut platform is formed from Country Rock metamorphosed by heat from the surrounding
'Tregonning Godolphin' Granite Intrusion.

Ref: 4451

Date: 30/12/2016

Location: SW 5916 2695